Monday, March 29, 2010

Pretty Dang Stoked

I haven't blogged in a while because I have nothing to blog about. That it still the case. Let's face it, my life is pretty boring!

I only have one more days of school and then I am free. Thank heavens! I don't think anyone could possibly understand how excited I am to go to Myrtle Beach! Even though I started packing the day we booked our trip, I'm still not done. Here is a little word of wisdom: Don't pack for a trip two weeks before you go, some of that stuff in your suitcase you will need again before you go.

Did I mention that I am going to Lake Powell at the end of April? For the first time! My dear friend is letting me come help her and her family clean their house boat. I'm pretty excited about that one too.

I feel like I brag a lot on this blog. I'm real sorry if I do!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring to the Break

My family is probably the most indecisive family on this earth. So a couple of weeks ago we started discussing spring break. We can't even agree on a place to eat out for dinner, let alone decide on a place to go on vacation.

A lot of ideas were thrown out for consideration like Oregon, Washington, California, Florida, New York, Mexico, Hawaii, St George, basically everywhere you can think of. It was a long and stressful process but then last Sunday we found a really great place in Hawaii. Sweet. That ended up not working out. Dang. So then we were considering a 7 night cruise to Mexico. That didn't work out either. Dang... again.

Well I'm happy to inform you that we ended up finding a place to go.

South Carolina.

Now you might be thinking something like "what the heck is in South Carolina?"

This picture says it all.

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

I don't know about you but I think this looks pretty appealing. It's not Hawaii or Mexico, but I think it will be great fun.

I have already started packing. We leave in 17 days. I'm just a little excited.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

i guess we can cross #8 off the list

By "list" I mean the list of things I would like to do before I graduate high school. That's right folks I'm learning to play the guitar! I must say it is very hard going from the violin to the guitar but I will learn eventually!
Just in case you were wondering, I have not shopped online yet! Only 14 more days to go! That is exactly two weeks! But hey who's counting?
Can I just say how happy I am that it's not February anymore? It's the worst month of the year in my opinion.
I think I am rushing spring. I have been wearing short sleeve shirts and capris all week. I like to think that since it's March it will just all of a sudden be warm. Wishful thinking. I'm actually freezing right now in my capris and short sleeve shirt.
I'm kind of obsessed with my iPod right now. I'm pretty sure I haven't gone anywhere without it in two weeks. For example, here I am writing this random post in computer tech, with my iPod headphones attached to my ears.
Well I think maybe I should stop with all the random thoughts of the day.